Be a Wing Giver - your kindness will transform lives!

Join our Wing Giving campaign. It's a kindness crusade that we hope goes viral!

Be a Wing Giver - your kindness will transform lives!  image


raised towards $20,000 goal



Days Left


Join our Wing Giving campaign. It's a kindness crusade that we hope goes viral!

Are you a Wing Giver?


BUT we need to reach $20,000 by December 31 or we will have to make the difficult decision to cancel June camp. 60 kids will miss out on a life changing opportunity!

Donate now and be a Wing Giver!

At PLAY camp we have an activity called Be a Wing Giver. Campers learn about the power of giving Wings vs. Rocks. Wing Givers are people who encourage us to be all we can be. Rock Givers use words that weigh you down and hold you back. One camper from each team is awarded a Wing Giver bracelet by their team leader for an act of kindness, then they are encouraged to pass it on. The bracelet passes from camper to camper throughout the week, with recognition of each act of kindness or word of encouragement that earned the bracelet.

Now it's time for YOU to earn your Wing Giver bracelet and pass it on! Earn a Wing Giver bracelet by:

  • making a one-time donation to PLAY of $20 or more, or
  • signing up to be a monthly donor in any amount

Be sure to include your address when donating so we can mail you a bracelet.

Sport it proudly while you look for someone who is lifting others up and pass it on! Then post a pic on Social Media of who you gave it to and why. Then encourage them to pass it on and post it too! Please tag us on Instagram so we can see all the acts of kindness you inspire! @play_southafrica On Facebook, use #BeAwingGiver If you are not on social media, send the pic & story to

If you want to start a Wing Giving campaign at your school or church and want to order multiple bracelets, just let us know. The world can use as much kindness as possible!

PLAY is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the USA and a registered NPO and PBO in South Africa so your donation is tax-deductible.

In South Africa, donations can be made by EFT to PLAY's account at: Standard Bank, Account Name Purpose Leadership Adventure for Youth, NPC. Account number 203064453, SWIFT code SBZAZAJJ. Then send us an email at with your address so we can mail you the bracelet.